Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Important Dates

Fall 2009 Term Ends: Saturday, January 10th

Winter 2009 Term Begins: Monday, January 12th

Martin Luther King Day: Monday, January 19th (no classes)

Modular Class Sessions Start: January 28th, February 26th, March 30th

Winter 2009 Add/Drop Deadline: Monday, January 26th

Majors Day/Night: Thursday February 5th (12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)

President's Day: Monday, February 16th (no classes)

Winter 2008 Mini-Term Starts: Monday, February 23rd

Registration for Spring Term: Wednesday, February 25th and Thursday, February 26th (11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)

Student Appreciation Day: Wednesday, February 25th

Winter 2009 Mini-Term Add/Drop Deadline: Tuesday, February 28th

Winter Micro-Term Starts: Monday, March 16th

Winter 2009 Term Ends: Saturday, April 4th

Linear Spring Holiday: April 6th to April 11th, 2009 (no classes)

Career Fair: Wednesday, April 1st (10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.)

Spring 2009 Term Starts: Monday, April 13th

Spring 2009 Graduation: Friday, April 24th

Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Holiday

From December 24th to January 1st, 2009, there will be no classes. Class will resume on Monday, January 5th.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tutoring Help Available

I have put tutoring request forms in the library. If you need help with a subject, fill out a form and put it in the "Tutor Requests" box, and I will get you in touch with a Student Ambassador who can help.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Goodies for Sale!

Once again delicious food is going to be sold at Everest. From December 15th to the 17th there will be food for sale in the Student Lounge. The items will be sold on these days during the following times:

Mornings: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - Baked items.

Afternoons: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Borriello Bros Pizza and baked items.

Evenings: 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Borriello Bros Pizza and baked items.

The cost ranges from 50 cents to two dollars for the bake sale items and $1.25 for each slice of pizza. The money raised from this sale will go towards future events for Everest College students.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Winter Term Registration

Winter Term registration will take place on Tuesday, December 2nd and Wednesday December 3rd from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. All majors will sign up in L1 and L2. Come in and register to receive a Student Appreciation gift! Mod students - update your info to receive your gift.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Perfect Attendance Contest

If you...

Attend all classes

Be on time

Don't leave early

You will be entered in a drawing to win a laptop!

This contest will run from November 10th to December 6th, 2008.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Logo Design Contest

Everest College will be having a logo design contest. The winning logo will be printed on T-shirts for sale on campus. Whether created on the computer or hand drawn, your original design must be submitted to Student Services by 6 p.m. on November 17th, 2008. Students will have an opportunity to make the final design on November 19th and 20th when they vote on the top 3 designs.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Majors Meetings

The Fall Majors Meetings will take place this Wednesday, November 5th in the daytime and evening.

The daytime meetings will take place from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the following rooms:

L3: Accounting, Administrative Assistant, Business and CIS
L1 and L2: Medical
L4: Criminal Justice and Paralegal

The evening meetings will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the following rooms:

L3: Accounting, Administrative Assistant and Business
L1 and L2: Medical
L10: Criminal Justice and Paralegal

Monday, October 27, 2008

Career Fair

Career Services is hosting a Career Fair this Wednesday, October 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The fair will be held throughout the hallways of the campus. Please remember to bring copies of your resume and dress appropriately. There will be possible on-site interviews.

For more information, please call 719-638-6580 extensions 113, 133, or 135.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Medical Assistants Recognition Week

This week is Medical Assistants Recognition Week, and Medical Assistants Recognition Day is this Wednesday, the 22nd. For more information, visit this site:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Books!

I have just added several new books to the library's collection. Among them are the following, according to program:

Criminal Justice

"Holy War Inc. : Inside the Secret World of Bin Laden"

"Holy War on the Home Front: the Secret Islamic Terror Network inside the United States"

"Showdown with Nuclear Iran: Radical Islam's Messianic Mission to Destroy Israel and Cripple the United States"

General Education

"Beginning Algebra"

"The Complete School Atlas"

"Successful Writing at Work"

"Webster's New World Spanish Dictionary"

Medical Assisting

"Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies"

"Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions"

"Health Professional and Patient Interaction"

"Phlebotomy Simplified"

"Saunders Medical Assisting Pocket Pal"


"Brand You"

"Consumer Behavior"

"Marketing: Real People, Real Choices"

These are books that you can borrow from the library. Just ask Matthew McNulty, the librarian, and he will help you find them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Graduation Commencement will take place on October 24th at the First United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m.

Summer and Fall Terms

This is just a friendly reminder that the summer term for linear students will end October 4th. Break Week will start October 6th and end October 11th. The fall term for linear students will begin October 13th.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Out of the Library

I will be out of the library Thursday, September 11th and Friday, September 12th. I will be back on Saturday the 13th. Please see Heidii Godbold on those days if you need any assistance.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Earn Your GED!

Everest College is now a testing site for the GED. See Mahala Heinrich, in Student Services, to get registered and receive information regarding the test. Tutoring is available free of charge!

Testing Dates:

November 7, 2008
February 13, 2009
May 1, 2009

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Root Beer Float Social

The Root Beer Float Social has been canceled for today. Please go to Career Services if you have any questions.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Library Hours Have Changed

The library will no longer be open after 12:00 pm on Fridays. The library's hours on all other days of the week will remain the same.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

IT Acceptable Use Policy

I have placed copies of the campus' policy for the permissible use of computing resources at Everest in the plastic bin next to the printer in the library. Be sure to read it in full.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Major Food Challenge from 8/4 to 8/22

Department Challenge:

The department that averages the most food take-in will win a prize (TBD).

The prize will be awarded at student recognition.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Important Dates Coming Up

Majors Day/Night - Monday, August 4th 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm and Tuesday, August 5th 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

Next Modular Class Session - August 18th to September 15th

Summer Mini-Term Starts - Monday, August 25th. Check with financial aid and your department chair or online coordinator to add a class and get one step closer to graduation!

Registration for Fall Term - Tuesday, August 26th and Wednesday, August 27th (11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm)

Student Appreciation Day - Wednesday, August 27th. It's time to recognize our students!! We will have a student appreciation picnic on Wednesday, August 27th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm for the day students and 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm for the evening students (in conjunction with registration).

Labor Day Holiday - Monday, September 1st NO CLASSES

Next Modular Class Session - September 17th to October 14th

Summer Term - Ends Saturday, October 4th

Break Week - Monday, October 6th to Friday, October 10th

Fall Term - Starts Monday, October 13th

Next Modular Class Session - October 16th to November 12th

Fall Graduation - October 24th

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What can happen in 14 days?

The answer is coming soon.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Important Dates Coming Up

June 16th - Mini-Linear term starts

July 4th - School closed

July 5th - Spring term ends

July 7th-11th - Summer break for non-modular classes

July 14th - Summer term starts

July 17th - Modular classes end

July 21st - Modular classes start

Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer Quarter Make-Up Registration

On Monday June 9th, and Tuesday June 10th, Everest College will be having make-up registration for the summer quarter. Registration will be held from 12 to 1 pm, and from 5 to 6 pm on those days. When you come to registration on the 9th or 10th, you will be automatically entered in a drawing to win a $50 gas card.

You should also consider taking online courses if you want to do homework in your pajamas. Online course schedules will be provided at the front desk. If you have any questions, please see your department chair.

AAC/BBA/CIS/SEA/LJA/LPA/MAAD will be in the instructor workroom. If you do not register by the dates mentioned above, your department chair will register you for your classes.

Friday, May 30, 2008

GED Tutoring June 2nd through June 5th

Math - with Tim Forquer on Monday, June 2nd and Tuesday, June 3rd

Language Arts - with Rita Turner on Wednesday, June 4th and Thursday, June 5th

All of the GED tutoring sessions will be held from 3 to 5 pm in the Student Success Center, which is located in the library. These sessions will include practice on sample questions and GED test-taking hints.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Career Fair on Wednesday May 28th

Career Services is hosting a Career Fair on Wednesday from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The fair will be held throughout the hallways of the campus. Prospective students, current students, spouses and graduates are welcome. Be sure to bring copies of your resume and dress accordingly. There may be on-site interviews.

For more information, you can contact Career Services at 719-638-6580 ext. 135 or 133.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Important Dates to Remember This Quarter

May 20 - Modular classes end

May 22 - Modular classes begin

May 26 - Memorial Day Holiday (school closed)

May 27 - Spring mini-term starts

June 1 - Mini-term drop/add deadline

June 16 - Mini-linear term starts

July 4 - 4th of July holiday (school closed)

July 5 - Spring term ends

July 7 - 11 - Summer break for non-modular classes

July 14 - Summer term starts

July 17 - Modular classes end

July 21 - Modular classes start

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pizza and Soda for Sale in the Student Lounge

Today and this coming Thursday, your student ambassadors will be selling pizza and sodas in the Student Lounge from 12 pm to 1 pm, and later in the day from 5 pm to 6 pm. The pizza will cost $1.50 a slice and the soda will be sold at 50 cents a can. The ambassadors will also be registering people for the MS walk, so if you want to pledge miles please see an ambassador for details.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Important Dates to Remember

April 14 - Spring Term Starts

April 18 - Graduation

April 23 - Modular Classes Begin

April 26 - Spring Term Drop/Add Deadline

May 20 - Modular Classes End

May 22 - Modular Classes Begin

May 26 - Memorial Day Holiday (school closed)

May 27 - Spring Mini-Term Starts

May 28 - Student Appreciation Day

June 1 - Mini-Term Drop/Add Deadline

June 16 - Mini-Linear Term Starts

July 2 - Spring Term Ends

July 3 - 4th of July Holiday (school closed)

July 6-11 - Summer Break

July 14 - Summer Term Starts

July 17 - Modular Classes End

July 21 - Modular Classes Start

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Quarterly Majors Meeting

On Thursday, April 24th, Everest College will be having a Quarterly Majors Meeting. This is an opportunity for you to:

-Meet other Everest students studying in your field
-Network for book exchanges or for tutoring
-Hear from your Department Chair or Dean
-Welcome new students
-Congratulate last-quarter/mod students
-Recognize those who made the Dean's List, President's List, or Perfect Attendance List

The meetings will be held from 12:15-12:45 and 6:00-6:30 pm. Class times will be adjusted to accomodate these important meetings.

-Medical students will meet in L1 and L3.
-Business, Accounting, and SEA students will meet in L3.
-Criminal Justice/Paralegal students will meet in L8.
-Computer students will meet in L4.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The New Student Success Center

The library has set up a new Student Success Center. It is located in the room to the right as you enter the library.

The Student Success Center is a place where you can go to get individual tutoring, join study groups reviewing specific course material, or get handouts on topics like time management, writing research papers, or starting a resume. Workshops on formatting papers with Microsoft Word, conducting research on the Internet, and other topics will be held. In the center, faculty and Student Ambassadors will be available for tutoring in specific subjects. Free books for recreational reading are also available in the Student Success Center.

The initial hours of the center are the following:

Monday and Thursday: 10:30 to 1:00
Tuesday and Wednesday: 4:30 to 6:00

The Student Success Center will be available at other times by appointment with Rita Turner or a Student Ambassador.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The End of the Winter Term

This is just a reminder that the Winter term will end on April 5th. Graduation will take place on April 18th.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Modular Classes

This is just a reminder that modular classes will start up again on Monday, March 24th.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Student Orientation

The next orientation for new students will take place on Friday, March 21st from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Quarterly Majors Meeting

The first quarterly majors meeting will be held this coming Wednesday, March 5th, from 12:15 to 12:45, and later in the day from 6:00 to 6:30. During this event, you can:

-Meet other Everest students studying in your field

-Network for book exchanges or tutoring

-Hear from your department head or dean

-Welcome new students

-Congratulate soon-to-be graduates

-Recognize those who made the Dean's List, President's List, or Perfect Attendance List

-Enjoy the start of good weather with an ice cream treat

Meeting Places:

-Medical students will meet in the medical lab

-Criminal Justice/Paralegal students will meet in L1

-Business, Accounting, and SEA students will meet in L3

-Computer students will meet in L8

Friday, February 29, 2008

Evaluating Web Sites for Research: Part 5

When doing Internet research, there are some types of web sites you should be careful about using, and still others that you should avoid altogether.

Blogs: "blog" is a word that is short for "weblog" and refers to online diaries that people create on their own. A lot of blogs simply consist of subjective opinions that have little, if any, basis in fact. If you would like to cite a blog for your research, you must first check the blogger's credentials and their intentions behind posting the information.

"Wikis": sites such as wikipedia, lyricwiki and wikihow are open sites that can be edited by anyone, often anonymously. I would avoid these sites altogether, because you can never be sure of the reliability of the information contained in wikis.

Manufacturer's sites: If you are doing research on the health benefits of green tea, I would avoid citing the web site of a company that sells it, because its claims about green tea may or may not have been evaluated by the FDA. Manufacturers often make inaccurate or outlandish claims to boost their sales.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Evaluating Web Sites for Research: Part 4

Late last year I began writing a series of articles on how to properly evaluate web pages for your research. This week I will discuss an important thing to keep in mind when evaluating web pages: coverage. An Internet resource that is of high quality in terms of coverage will have links to other pages that have been evaluated and match the web site's theme. If the web site you are evaluating charges a fee or requires special software to view its contents, then you should go to another site for your research. Good web sites will also have a balance of text and images; sites that have too many images probably will not have enough information to be of use. Another thing to keep in mind is the citation of the information. Is it cited correctly? Is it cited at all? Be wary of sites that do not provide references for their information.

Next week I will provide more tips and pointers to help you get better at locating the needle of reliable information in the haystack known as the Internet.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

Today is "Super Tuesday" in the national election for president of the United States. I have created a Super Tuesday display on the bulletin board across the hall from the library, explaining everything you ever wanted to know about this event, but were afraid to ask.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Winter Mini-Term Online Orientation

The orientation for the online mini-term this winter will be held on the following dates:

Monday, February 25th, from 10-11 am

Tuesday, February 26th, from 12-1 pm

Wednesday, February 27th, from 4:45-5:45 pm

These orientations will cover the following:

-Logging on
-Asking the instructor questions
-Getting attendance
-Posting in discussion threads
-Submitting homework
-And more

If you have any questions, you can contact Rita Turner at 638-6580 ext. 111

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Important Dates to Remember

January 14th - Classes begin for the Winter quarter

January 21th - Martin Luther King Day (no classes)

January 26th - Deadline for Winter term adds/drops

February 14th - Valentine's Day

February 18th - President's Day (no classes)

February 22nd - Modular classes end

February 25th - Mini-term and modular starts

March 1st - Mini-term deadline for adds/drops

March 21st - Modular classes end

April 5th - Winter term ends

April 14th - Spring term starts

Monday, January 7, 2008

Library Conference January 11th-16th

I will be attending the American Library Association's Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia from January 11th to the 16th, so I will not be in the library between January 10th and January 17th. I will return on the 18th.