Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Come One, Come All!

Externship Seminar

December 3rd, 2012

In L1/L2 at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
In the library at 6:00 p.m.

(Please bring your license and school I.D.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Upcoming Events

• Next Monday, we will have pie (pumpkin, apple, cherry) for students – and faculty and staff, of course!

• The food drive is still ongoing. Please keep track of your class’s contributions. Once weighed (in the student lounge by the store), canned goods can be added to the wall of food in the hallway by PC5. Any other food can be put in the box in the student lounge.

• L1/2 have been set up for the student swap. If you have students who contributed, they can shop on Tuesday. Starting Wednesday, any student can come in between 2 and 6 and take up to 10 items at a time. We will have Ambassadors staffing the room.

• We’re still looking for coats for the coat drive, so check your closets!!

• Anyone interested in a 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day? It is a fund-raiser to support the YMCA and cost is $23 per person. Though it is an individual event, if there’s enough interest, we could look at T-shirts or something fun to create an Everest team presence. Please let me know.

• Saturday, December 1 is movie night. We will be showing a family Christmas movie (TBD) on the “big screen” in L1/2 and inviting staff, students, and their families to come watch. We will offer popcorn and drinks. (No, not adult drinks!)

• Wednesday, December 5 is cocoa and hot cider day. We will be serving in the student lounge.

• We are going to have a cube and office decorating contest for staff – prize is still to be determined! Beginning Monday, December 3, you may start with the decorations for your area. Judging is tentatively scheduled for the week of the 10th – I will keep you informed!

• There will be a school program decorating contest, also. Each program (MA, Dental, CJ, CIS, etc.) will be assigned one classroom to decorate. Prize on this is also TBD.

• We would also like to do cookies for the students on December 19, and of course, the best cookies are the home-made ones. If each staff member brings in 2 – 3 dozen cookies, we will have enough to share with students and staff. I will have a sign-up sheet in the faculty lounge in early December for staff to sign up to bring cookies in.

• We’ll be starting the Biggest Loser Program in January. Cost will be $1 per week per person (10 weeks total) and an additional $1 per week if part of a team. Total proceeds will be split among the winners. Please let me know if you’re interested in participating.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sell Your Used Texts for Cash!

Wednesday November 14, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Both Days

11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

An independent book buyer will be at Everest College, Colorado Springs, located in the snack area, buying all books having national resale value.

Monday, November 5, 2012

What's Happening at Everest This Week?

• Antiwane Ellis, a business student here at Everest, passed away from health complications on October 27. To honor his memory and to help his family with funeral costs, we will be accepting donations through the Student Store and the store will be donating all of its profits this week to the Antiwane Ellis Memorial Fund.

• Food Drive. We are ramping up the food drive by starting a class-by-class challenge. Starting tomorrow and going through November 21, we will have each class track its donations and we will create a Wall of Food in the cross hallway by L12 and the testing room. Tracking forms will be provided for each class and a scale will be in the break room for weighing donations. Let’s stuff the student pantry, collect items for our Christmas turkey dinners, and make a great donation to Care & Share. The two classes with the most donations will earn a pizza party the week after Thanksgiving!

• This week we are collecting bags of items for the student swap. Items include clothing, toys, and books. Contributions will be collected this week and the chance to “shop” will start next week. Anyone who donates this week gets priority shopping on Monday and Tuesday next week. The shop will be in L1/2 and shopping hours will be 9:30 – 10:30 a.m, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m and 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Staff contributions are welcomed!

• In late November, we will start collecting names of students who could use some help putting a Christmas dinner on the table. Application forms will be distributed and students may submit their names. Turkeys and a bag of groceries will be provided to selected students the week before Christmas.