Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Evaluating Web Sites for Research: Part 4

Late last year I began writing a series of articles on how to properly evaluate web pages for your research. This week I will discuss an important thing to keep in mind when evaluating web pages: coverage. An Internet resource that is of high quality in terms of coverage will have links to other pages that have been evaluated and match the web site's theme. If the web site you are evaluating charges a fee or requires special software to view its contents, then you should go to another site for your research. Good web sites will also have a balance of text and images; sites that have too many images probably will not have enough information to be of use. Another thing to keep in mind is the citation of the information. Is it cited correctly? Is it cited at all? Be wary of sites that do not provide references for their information.

Next week I will provide more tips and pointers to help you get better at locating the needle of reliable information in the haystack known as the Internet.